3 Myths about Shanghai - Busted!

March 15, 2010

Prior to Shanghai for the exchange of 6 months, I got three wise advice in the form of warnings from my parents - my mother in particular.

(1) the girls in Shanghai are very "powerful" and dangerous. Be sure to not put your relationship to the purposes of migration.

(2) The traffic in Shanghai is very undisciplined. Pay special attention when taking taxis and crossing the roads.

(3) In Shanghai, the thieves are on the road. Be sure to include pickpocketsand always on the alert to their surroundings.

After spending time in the upper area of the city of Shanghai for 6 months, I can safely say these three statements that are not true, not true, not true.

Myth # 1: Busted
Girls of Shanghai and close to my university are generally modest, diligent and conservative. Speak for those who are not shy, diligent, or conservative, their "power" in the form of very loud. So there would be a beautiful, beautiful girlChinese shop in cash at the counter, all well and good, until it announced the total, and gives you a great fear.

Myth No. 2: Busted
The traffic is extremely safe in Shanghai. Even if we sometimes seems to be no rules on the streets, as people do not obey the traffic lights, there are consequences for ever involved in an accident. So, as a pedestrian, you can expect to get hit by a car, because car drivers are expected to default, that peopleRoads without regard for the provisions of the traffic standards. If you never drive a taxi here to someone approach "Crazy Taxi" is one, then who said that was partly correct. The taxis in Shanghai will be the wind, creep, drift, turbo, but it will never work in an accident, because I just that smart.

Myth No. 3: Busted
Some Europeans say to me that Shanghai is likely to be one of the safest cities in large they have been. Violent and criminalActivities are not common, because the security guards can be hired cheaply, so that they are literally everywhere. In fact, what are the current employment, probably the # 2 security guards hired to most of Shanghai, especially since the government in order for the city "clean" for Shanghai World Expo 2010 from May.

If you ever get these problems in Shanghai, China, or cities, rest assured that these mythsForeigners perspective, however, have broken!


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